Wednesday, June 01, 2005

ok then

I've just received a phone call from D. Thought i'd share with you what i have to live with...

do dododo dododo dododo deedeedeedeedee dee dee (tune to Scissor Sister's Comfortably Numb fills the air...)

Me: Helloooooooo
D: Alright, it's me
M: Hello, you ok?
D: Yeah. Listen, the cats done a poo and i'm not clearing it up.
M: Ok, i'll do it when i get home. Don't worry...
D: You know cat poo make's me heave so i'll leave it for you.
M: Yes, you've said. i get rid of it later.
D: I've had to go sit in the kitchen. It's making me want to puke.
M: Ok, ok. Does it smell that bad?
D: No, can't smell it.
M: Where is it?
D: What?
M: The poo.
D: In the litter tray.
M: Right. Bye then.

Darths litter tray is more of a litter hut. It has four walls and a roof. It has a cat flap. To know if Darth has had a poo you have to either: a. get on your hands and knees and look through the flap. b. take the roof off.

And my hubby to be would know Darth's had a poo because??

You do the math.

No flies on my man!!


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