Thursday, May 19, 2005

On me todd.. again

Yet another day at work on my todd because the girl i work with has rang in sick with suspected food poisoning.

I mean, come on, can't you think of a better excuse than that???? I would believe you had it not been your birthday the day before and had your last drink at 3.00am this morning. But hey, who am i to complain. I just have to do all your work today thats all.


Not really much to rant on about today. My lung are 90% better than they were at the beginning of the week so thats good, though one of my boobs hurt today. Must have slept on my front...

la la la la la laaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, la la la la laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!

Ah well, i'll be back later if i can think of anything to moan about. Or i may do a 100 things that make me happy list if i can be arsed.

or maybe not.

Reason why she's pissy today? I don't think i can be arsed to be pissy. I'm slightly put out but thats all.


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