Friday, May 06, 2005

Work, work, work

Rant for today - Work buddies.

When at work, i like to create a place of serenity and harmony. I like all things to run smooth and to be kept smooth. I hate confrontations and i hate arguing. Like i have said before, and i quote... 'I am a great big wimp'.

Now imagine my dismay when i go to give a work buddy a message to call someone urgently with regards to a situation that previously, before i answered the phone, was between work buddy (WB) and customer from hell (CFH). WB refused, point blank, that he was going to call back CFH as she is, and i quote again... 'a lying little bitch'.

Now, as it was me who took the message, it will be me who gets the grief if WB doesn't call her back.

This really, i say really PISSES me off!

I had nothing, i repeat, nothing to do with this situation AT ALL and now it's on my desk taunting me... ('na na na na naaaa')

ooo and while i think of it... Rant number 2!

Car drivers.

Car drivers who think they own the road. Yes, i'm talking about the drivers who vent their road rage over things that didn't really happen. For example, driving home from work yesterday i encountered a pissy little boy that surely was not old enough to be walking, let alone driving, who was adamant that little ol' me had too much of the road. I mean, i was well within the middle of the road white lines on my side. It's not my fault if someone decides to park their 32 ton articulated lorry on there side meaning that the pissy little boy would have to come onto my side of the road to get round it. He beeped his horn at me several times and shouted at me as i passed... 'get over you stupid bitch'. I could hardly believe it. So i screamed back 'Fuck off and learn the highway code asshole'. With that i floored it in case he decided to come and get me.

God i'm such a wimp.

Reason why she's pissy today? Asshole WB's and asshole car drivers.


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