Monday, June 13, 2005

My weekend...

Ahem... My weekends antics included...

Lots and lots of helium
Lots and lots of buffetlicious type food
Lots and lots of disco music
Lots and lots of booze
Lots and lots of people...

Can you guess what i did???? No?? Then i will tell you...

Me and D had our engagement party - Woohoo lots and lots of pressies and free booze and munchies for meeeeeee!!!!!!! By the way, if you wish to send me pressies, argos vouchers will be just dandy thank you, then click here and i will send you my address!!!

Its was utterly fabulous!! Lots of people came that shocked me cos i thought loads wouldn't bother. I seen friends that i hadn't seen in donkeys years and even my dad was drunk. If you knew my dad, then you would find that fact alone soooo amusing you would laugh your panties off!! It was brilliant! I'm sooo chuffed!

Then we went home to find that one of the cats had barfed all over the hall carpet, just where the carpet meets the laminate flooring of the kitchen. Just the wrong side of the divider. Fucks sake cat, next time, puke ON the laminate, the Lam.In.Ate. Not difficult to move your head slightly to the right is it??? So i spent a good 15 mins scrubbing the carpet clean of cat vomit, then another 5 washing the cat vomit off my foot. that'll teach me to kick my heels off in merriment as i walk through the front door won't it??

Just wait til i find out which cat it was... I'll show it the wok. It'll soon learn!!


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