Friday, July 15, 2005

Crappity crap crap crap...

Why is blogger being so crap today?? It won't load stuff properly and it won't let me view my fave blogs properly! So therefore it's a pile of shite today!!

On a happier note... (to be sung in the tune of the sun has got his hat on)

Theeeeeeee sun has got his socks on
Hip hip hip HOORAY
The sun has got his socks on and is coming out to playyyyyyy

Kt's having her barbie
Hip hip hip HOORAH
Kts having her barbie and will be a very drunken tart

La la la la la laaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I am gonna get pissed
la la la la la la my barbie will not be dissed

la la la la la laaaaaaaaaaaa
la la la la laaaa
la la la la la la la la la la la la laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!

Guess i'm happy the weather has cheered up a bit then?... Yes i am, can you tell??


Blogger Mister Hand said...

Congratulations on your sunny weather (come just in time). It's been rainy and crappy all day here in Memphis, Tennessee and I'm very depressed. But it's the weekend, so I'm not complaining. This is a pretty pointless post, I know. I'm exhausted and while I would really like to be witty, it's just not in me. So why am I still writing? I don't know. Shutting up now.

11:22 PM  
Blogger Ms Mac said...

Hurrah for the sunshine. I know I for one have missed it!

7:39 PM  
Blogger Shirley said...

Hey - how's it going? I thought I'd put a link to you previously in my blog, and just this morning realized it wasn't there. Now it is. Hope you're having a great day today!

11:45 AM  
Blogger LMPP said...

and today it's bucketing down!! Ah well, at least i got my bbq in!!

Hey Chicken Little, i'm good. Having a bit of a mare today but i'm sure it will brighten up. Thanks for linking me! At least i'm loved somewhere

1:45 PM  
Blogger Mister Hand said...

Isn't it more the exception than the rule that it rains in England?

11:31 PM  
Blogger Mister Hand said...

Actually, what my dumb, clueless ass MEANT to say was, isn't it moret the RULE than the EXCEPTION that it rains in England.

Sorry. That last post made no damned sense at all. That's what I get for letting my ass do my talking for me.

Well, actually, I guess this would be typing. I am typing with my ass. That's a show I should take on the road.

5:49 PM  
Blogger Mister Hand said...

Ass-typing, that is.

5:50 PM  

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