Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Wedding? I'll pay someone else!!

Never plan a wedding. Pay someone else to do it! Seriously, i asked the respective parentage to give me a list of who they want to invite as an 'all dayer', taking into consideration that we can only afford to pay for 35 guests. At nearly £40 a head we can't afford to invite people that we haven't seen for donkeys years. So my parents came back with 26 people. D's parents came back with 31. Thats 57!! people for those of you who are a bit slow off the mark. 5 fucking 7.

Jesus, i'm bankrupt!


Blogger James and Jacob's Mommy said...

Here is a piece of advice from a recently "had a big wedding" married girl -- ELOPE!

I don't know how much per head that is in dollars, but I assume it is close to $40/person. The average wedding gift is $35. It might be different across the pond.

Anyway, getting married is the most important part, not the wedding (but you won't fully comprehend that until the ordeal is over). Just keep looking foward to the married part.

2:33 AM  
Blogger Mister Hand said...

I wholeheartedly agree. Elope. I wrote about this on my WT blog. Of course, my first piece of advice was "don't get married." But if you are set on ignoring that, I would beg you to elope and spare yourselves the pain of this mostly BS affair.

9:13 AM  

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