Monday, September 12, 2005

When will it end???

I have an eye ache. It's been there for days. It feels like i've been looking upwards for ages and it's as irritating as itchy powder in your pants. I've seen an optician who stared into my eyes for far too long and told me i have perfect vision and had nothing to worry about. But it still doesn't solve the fact the my pissing eye aches.

It's like a headache, but in your eye. I getting to the point now where i may have to bug my doctor for some sort of drug to relieve the pressure.

It's just like the time i had so called pleurisy. That pain lasted for months, all down my back. Like someone was constantly pumiling me. Eventually it buggered off but still, I don't do pain.

For the hell of it, here are my most memorable pains...

9 years old. First period. (yes, i know i was young, didn't have another until i was 17 though!) Hurt like buggery and when your 9 and the blood pisses out of you like that? Do i need to spell it out for you??

13 years old. Fractured my arm. I fell off one of those gymnastic bar things. I wasn't doing anything on it, just sitting there and slipped off.

21 years old. Butt problems. I began to realise that there was something wrong with my 'motions' Bleeding everytime i went to the loo, very bad pain, severe belly aches. This, believe it or not, is still happening. The doc's are at a loss, i've tried every drug on the go without prevail. It's not as bad now, but it was then!!

23 years old. Serious butt problems. Won't disgust you with the details, but believe me, it was baaaad. I believed i was on my way out.

25 years old. Random health problems. Caused most likely due to the unhappy enviroment i was having at home. I'm quite sensitive and when i'm down, i'm waaay down. I eventually left and almost immediatly was better. I felt like a new person, so i went and got myself one! *laughs hysterically at own joke*

26 years old. The dreaded pleurisy. Was sat in work when all of a sudden it hurt to breathe. It slowly got worse and worse until i was bedridden with it. Unbelievable really. One minute i was ok, the next it really hurt to breathe. I was quite lucky apparently as it can turn into pneumonia. Yeah, i felt really lucky to be in so much pain and to be told it could develop into a potentially life threatening situation. My friend made me feel so much better by visiting a clairvoyant and being told 'someone close to you will develop pneumonia'. Cheers!!

27 years old. Severe headaches caused by my boss ramming computers into my teeny office. the noise, was unbearable and gave me severe headaches. This is probably why i now have eye aches. I've since moved out!

Thats it!! There you have my most memorable pains. I'm sure i had loads more but i can't remember half of them!


Blogger jamwall said...

there's something about the name "little miss pissy pants" that draws a person to this blog.

plus, the list of ailments reminds me of people i know! :)

2:34 AM  
Blogger Mister Hand said...

LMPP, jam works for a top drunken neurological hospital. Maybe you should come stateside and give 'em a try. Sometimes they can't diagnose your problem, but there's always a keggar to be had.

That's a keg, btw, for you Brits--keg of beer. It's what you call "ale." Except over here it's cold. And usually not served in flagons. And it's hard to find someone who will serve the beer in America who will give you the usual warnings about staying away from the moors because "there be an evil mist a-lyin' on the land tonight."

Wait a minute, LMPP--are you from England or Scotland? I'm confused now.

God, I should save some of this stuff for my own site.


3:23 AM  
Blogger jamwall said...

i believe the stateside warnings usually invoke the dangers of "cowtipping" (which means "molesting a cow's vertical orientation"), crop circles and getting prodded by aliens with cold medical instruments.

nothing to worry on your side of the moors.

6:25 AM  
Blogger LMPP said...

i am indeed from England but we do have our dodgy moors with evil mist. I got lost on one once.

8:40 AM  

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