Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Nanny State

Apparently, Birmingham Council have banned the word 'Christmas', insisting that they call it 'Winterval'.

WTF?? It apparently 'offends' other religions that we celebrate 'Christmas'. Well, i have news for you 'other religions'. It offends me that i have to surpress my religious beliefs to accomodate yours. It upsets me that if i lived in Birmingham, i would have to not celebrate Christmas, but celebrate a polictically correct version of 'Winterval'. I'm not usually one to shove religion in others faces, but the way this country is heading, we'll have no choice but to do so. A company that employs people from different religions have 'banned' the Christmas party this year, opting for a 'December gathering' instead. What the fuck is that?? It makes my blood boil that our government think this is the correct route to go down. Any bets that if you go live in other country, say... India, they wouldn't play down their religion in case it offends me and quite frankly, i wouldn't expect nor want them to. It's their country, i'm just the visitor.

Quite ironically, a muslim friend of mine quite likes Christmas. And enjoys celebrating it. So where are you getting the notion that we have to 'ban' Christmas oh wonderous Government type people?? Why can't us Britions celebrate OUR heritage in OUR country, without the need to pacify others?? I don't get offended when i see another Mosque pop up, or if a bunch of Hindu's decide to celebrate one of their festivals, thats up to them, just let us celebrate ours will you??

Grrrrr and bollocks.


Blogger Mister Hand said...

LMPP, we are about to have our first major disagreement.

I think it's ridiculous to rename Christmas. BUT I think it's a good thing that your government is looking for a way to disassociate itself from any sort of single religion. To say that the government is disavowing its heritage by downplaying Christianity may be true statement--and good for them if this is their goal. State-sponsored religion is an evil EVIL thing.

6:08 PM  
Blogger LMPP said...

Mister Hand, i could never fall out with you. I just find it a laugh that it's ok for every other religion to celebrate their holidays without having to rename them to satisfy the minority that seem to be offended by their celebrations. I serve many nationalities whilst working in the pub and not one of them is offended by our beliefs. I do agree with you sort of, but it does upset me. I'm not into religion myself, but i do uphold others beliefs and never ever ridicule them.

It's no wonder religion is a major factor in some wars. I wish for a harminous world.

9:21 AM  
Blogger Mister Hand said...

I, on the other hand, ridicule others' religions every chance I get. Hey, some people have model trains, some people bash religious beliefs.

9:42 AM  
Blogger Meatbag said...

I've gotta agree with Mister Hand on this one. Aside from the whole Church of England being a bad idea thing, I think to expect non-Christians to just deal with it sounds like tyranny of the majority. You, of course, can celebrate Christmas all you want, however you want, but I don't think government entities should promote it.

1:04 AM  

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