Tuesday, December 13, 2005

You what??

Last night, someone said to me 'D said i should ask you for a blow job. Apparently you're quite good'

WTF?!!? I'm sorry, there is no way in this world that D would even think of saying such a thing, especially to this cretein stood before me. He isn't even the type of bloke D would talk to.

Fucking bastards. I am not easy lay.

Well, my friend is a bit better today considering the two people he loved most died last week. His girlie had a baby that was stillborn and she died the next day. I spent the best part of last week with D just sitting with him. The midwives gave him a photo of his son. It is a horrific picture as the poor mite died on the way out, but was stuck for over an hour. But it's the only one he'll ever have. So when a thoughtless bitch turned to him and said 'That's a terrible picture, you should get rid of that', I could of swung for her. Bitch. His girlie never got to see the baby, he never got to say goodbye to his girlie.

He's able to smile today, but the overwhelming guilt he unbelievablely (sp) feels is astounding. 'If i hadn't got her pregnant...' 'If we hadn't had that row...' There are still tears at times, but now he's mostly quiet, half smiles while he remembers the good times.

So to my friend, I'll be here for you always, lean on me whenever you need to. To his girlie and to his son, god bless you both, sleep tight.


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