Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Highlights of ones travels...

* Pregnant Friends
* Catching up with people who i haven't seen in yonks
* Good food and beer a plenty
* London. I love London!
* Curing my armpit and boobie pain by removing my belly button ring. Don't ask!
* Starbucks Hot Chocolate!!! MMMMmmmmm
*D's first ever sit down Chinese meal
*The London Eye! Shit scared of it!
*Seeing all the fake celebrites at the waxworks, and abusing them appropriately

My friend has posted some of the pics over on his website! Go check them out!!


Blogger Ms Mac said...

Ooooh! I *heart* fake waxwork celebs and abusing them.

Jealous now.

11:25 AM  
Blogger Ms Mac said...

Back after looking at the pics.

That Johnny Wilkinson was dreadful! I'd be pissed off if I was him!

11:28 AM  

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