Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Well, the evil cow is coming for a visit today to lord it all over me and make me feel about this big!
I hate these visits. It always rains here when she's due and i feel like crap. I'm just going to have to be strong and smile and be polite and nice and suck ass. Again. Not easy to do when she is slating you left right and centre. Never mind, i'm sure i'll survive.

At the pub we have beer towels for promoting Bath Ales. Their logo features a Hare stretched out across the length of the towel. Some bright spark honestly thought that the reason the 'rabbit' is their logo is because the beer is made from rabbits, or at least rabbit droppings.

*insert intense face pulling here*

And, to make it worse for himself, he pointed out that the 'rabbit' didn't have a willy.

On a completely different subject, me and D are going here on Friday to watch his mum sing a solo as part of her folk music group. She's incredibly nervous so lets all cheer her on!!!


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