Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Miserable cow

Is it just me? Or does anyone else get annoyed by friends constantly sucking each others face in front of you?

My friend has got himself a gorgeous new girlfriend. She's lovely. But for the past week, when they are out, they snog.


They are like that match.com advert on telly. Seriously, it was sweet last week, this week it's mildly annoying. Last night, i felt like crowbarring them apart just so they would breathe. And trying to have a conversation goes something like...

Me: 'alright sweet'
Him: *slurp slurp* 'ehrrh'
Me: 'Ok then'

Does this make me a miserable cow? Am i jealous that me and D don't constantly snog? Why am i so irritated by it??

Where's D? I need to snog...


Blogger Chris said...

Damn those luvvie duvvy types. Don't wory though, they'll get sick of the sight of each other soon!

11:07 AM  
Blogger Ms Mac said...

Yeah, I'm with Chris, soon enpugh they'll be sick of it and she'll not let him touch her, not even when they're alone. It happens to all of us!


12:45 PM  
Blogger Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

It's just bad manners. They should know better.

1:03 PM  
Blogger Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

You could always take the mature route and yell "GET A ROOM!"

1:03 PM  
Blogger LMPP said...

I've done that, but it was more of a mutterous 'get a f*&£^%g room'

That went down like a ton of bricks.

3:50 PM  

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