Wednesday, November 08, 2006

We're so goood

I'm so chuffed, we came 3rd in the quiz last night at the pub!!

Ok, so there were only 4 teams, at least we weren't bottom.

My branch manager has entrusted me to book our staff christmas do. I did what any faithful employee would do and delegated it to Tart. Tart is not best pleased about this as she is most likely to be giving birth the day of the party. As long as she doesn't give birth at the party then great. Hoorah to Tart, giver of life.

My friend Mike has been in hospital with heart problems. He's only 34 so it is really scary. Apparently he has an infection in the liquid that surrounds the heart, and it's causing his heart to not pump the blood properly. He's so fit and healthy though, it's frightening really, he's only 6 years older than me... Anyway, he's out of hospital now and looks so skinny. I'm really worried about him to be honest...


Blogger jessp said...

we came first in our quiz night last night in little old Perth! $150 bar tab for us! Yay!

4:25 PM  

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