Monday, April 02, 2007

Pissed up and emotional...

In addition to LMPP Spider Hell, I was attacked on Friday night by one of our eight legged friends.

I was very, very drunk, the way I reacted was shameful.

It crawled down my cheek, across my neck and landed on my leg before I realised what it was. I then, in slow motion being drunk an' all, watched it scitter across my thigh and onto my knee.

So, me being me, screamed, shot up out of the chair, flung my cardi across the room, legged it over the other side and stood there wailing and whimpering while everyone laughed at me. And so they laughed, until the bastard crawled up another girls arm.

She reacted just like me.

It made me laugh!!

Now I know how pathetic I am.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

spiders turn me on

5:59 PM  

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