Bad Weekend...
It's been nothing but a crappy weekend in LMPPs household. D has constantly working, coming home to sleep & then back for more work for the last 2 weeks (his boss is on holiday) & I think last weekend broke me. I want my husband back.
Saturday was spent cooking & baking for the freezer, we don't 'do' ready meals, unless its cottage pie. Saturday night was spent in front of the telly, watching the crappy crap crap of Saturday night telly. Sunday was spent at work with oooooh all of 4 customers. Sunday night was spent in front of the telly.
How exciting.
D's boss arrives home tomorrow night. Then I'll have to wait a few days while D sleeps & then I should have him back. Hoorah!!
Saturday was spent cooking & baking for the freezer, we don't 'do' ready meals, unless its cottage pie. Saturday night was spent in front of the telly, watching the crappy crap crap of Saturday night telly. Sunday was spent at work with oooooh all of 4 customers. Sunday night was spent in front of the telly.
How exciting.
D's boss arrives home tomorrow night. Then I'll have to wait a few days while D sleeps & then I should have him back. Hoorah!!
Poor baby. I wish you many, many happy days ahead!
At least next Saturday night will be better :)
Church of beer people, church of beer a-calling!!