Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Books Glorious Books...

I absolutely 100% love books. I own hundreds of them & I have bookshelves in nearly every room of my flat & my Husband despairs of them. He hates books, especially since I have a tendency to leave them lying around everywhere. He threatens regularly to chuck them out which is much like waving a piece of bloody steak in front of a hungry lion.

The reason why I'm blabbering on about my lovely books is that some have gone missing. Seriously, I know what books I have & what goes where and there are definitely some missing. D has denied even touching them but I'm thinking that the momentous row we had last week about my laziness & 'not putting those frigging books away' may lead me to believe that my darling hubby has quite sneakily disposed of some.

One of the books that has gone missing is, quite embarrassingly, my Cat Counsellor book. I bought it purely because it was buy 2 get 1 free at WH Smiths & that Darth was demonstrating some peculiar behaviour. (Which turned out to be a life threatening bladder condition, which the vet told me, not the sodding book) Anyway I wanted to read something about why cats paw at fluffy cushions to convince my mum that Darth is quite sane & I can't find it. Anywhere.

Side note: The aforementioned fluffy cushion was bought for me by D to celebrate our 6 month anniversary 3 years ago & cost about £40. (hey, it is a nice cushion). Since we acquired our little bundle of fluff, that very expensive cushion has been commandeered by him & woe betide anyone who goes near it. The occasions when I do get to pick it up (usually when Darth is asleep but I do get the one eye open treatment) it's sopping wet from kitty drool so I tend to avoid it anyway.

Another book that is missing is my new Jeremy Clarkson one which I'm particualry upset about as I haven't finished reading it yet. I do like a bit of Jeremy at bed time!

Someone is messing with my books. I will keep you posted.


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