Monday, November 05, 2007

Can't be arsed...

This whole blogging thing is beginning to bore the crap out of me. I think it shows.

Anyhow, I am not a quitter so I'll persevere until it's no longer irritating. I think it's down to the lack of interesting things to say. I read other blogs & they are funny & full of stuff that I like to read, whereas mine seems dull in comparison. But, I will from now make an effort to post at least twice a week, boring or not.

Saturday came & me & N went to watch some pretty fireworks at a fairly shoddly organised firework fair. There were more burger vans there than anything else. The fireworks lasted for 1/2 hour & were quite weedy so I was quite disappointed, I like my fireworks to be massive!

The highlight of the evening (for N) was when a 3 year old twatted me in the head with a glow stick.

My highlight was seeing masses of bats divebomb people.

Random Weekend Thoughts:
What does it mean to dream that you can't open your eyes?
Why is it so foggy?
Why did Vue Cinemas let 12 year olds in to see a 15 rated film?
Why did said 12 year olds scream incredibly loud screams at non scary parts of the film?
Why did I bother going?
Why did my dad choose to call me at 11.30pm & scare the crap out of me just to tell me to drive carefully today? Usually, a call that late means one of them is ill.


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