Thursday, November 08, 2007

Sickness & Stuff...

It seems that it is time for my monthly bout of illness. I had to leave work early yesterday because the sicky feeling wouldn't budge & my tummy is churning evilly. So I went home & crawled onto the sofa with the blanket & a very reluctant cat & tried to watch some telly.

I say tried because D choose that exact moment to come home from work.

Why is it that men seem to try harder to get amorous when you feel like crap? When I am well, D doesn't try as hard. It seems that being ill is a massive turn on for him.

So for about 45 mins, I lead on the sofa trying to ignore D and his mating dance.

Eventually he gave up & went back to work & left me feeling incredibly guilty for not giving in.

Goddamn men.


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