Once a upon a time...
...in a city not too far from the sea lived a young girl called LMPP who liked nothing better than to sip cocktails by the sea as its gentle waves lapped around her ankles. LMPP was delighted because August was almost upon her which meant she could take her jolly holidays and mosey on down to the beach and live out her yearly fantasy. So she scrimped & saved and dusted off the manky old tent and bought lots of new beach things to make her holiday complete. Eventually, there was one thing left to do... house the cat for a week.
So she called her mum.
'I'd love to help but me & your father are off that week too. We are going to Minehead!'
Undeterred, she called her mum in law.
'I'd love to help but I am away in Solent that week'
A bit put out, she called round all of her friends.
'No, no, no, no, NO.'
So, as a last resort she called a few catteries.
So, LMPP is no longer off on her jolly holidays by the sea. She'll just have to wait until September when her mum is home to have the cat and when the sea is bloody freezing!
So she called her mum.
'I'd love to help but me & your father are off that week too. We are going to Minehead!'
Undeterred, she called her mum in law.
'I'd love to help but I am away in Solent that week'
A bit put out, she called round all of her friends.
'No, no, no, no, NO.'
So, as a last resort she called a few catteries.
So, LMPP is no longer off on her jolly holidays by the sea. She'll just have to wait until September when her mum is home to have the cat and when the sea is bloody freezing!